

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Andrew Parizek

As Ralston Middle School's Principal, Mr. Andrew Parizek oversees staff evaluations, student discipline, building budget, staff and student scheduling, district and state assessments and school accreditation.  Before becoming the principal at the middle school, he served as a 7-12 English/ Language Arts teacher, middle school team leader and middle school Assistant Principal/ Activities Director.  Mr. Parizek also served as the high school varsity boys and girls soccer team, high school assistant volleyball coach, and the high school student council sponsor.

Mr. Parizek believes that the success of a middle school student is based off student engagement, both within and beyond the walls of the classroom.  The middle school staff is able to set high classroom expectations for their students by attending a variety of professional development workshops and conferences that focus on a differentiated classroom based off best practice.  Mr. Parizek has presented at both the state and national level discussing the impact of developing a strong building culture for staff will in turn help improve the practice of academic progress monitoring for students.  Mr. Parizek currently serves as a board member of the Nebraska Middle Level Academy that supports educators in grades 4 through 9.

At middle school, students are expected to monitor their own academic progress throughout the year and set goals to help improve their academic success.  The middle school staff is committed to working on various strategies to help improve the overall character and academic development of each student.  Because of the hard work of all stakeholders, Ralston Middle School has been identified as a "GREAT" school through AQuESTT Classification System for Nebraska.