

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Mary Roarty

Mary Roarty has been a resident of Ralston for more than 20 years. Her son, Will, is a member of the Ralston High School class of 2019. Both are involved in Boy Scouts, Will as an Eagle Scout and Mary as a volunteer. She is the chair for the BSA Black Hills District Scouting for Food effort that benefits the Food Bank for the Heartland. They also have a quirky dog named Taz.

Mary is an alumna of the Business Leadership program at the College of Saint Mary. She has worked at First Data for more than 20 years and is a Director in their Client Care Organization. She is a member of First Data’s Women’s Leadership Council steering committee and their Community Involvement committee in partnership with YES (Youth Emergency Services). She is also a member of Wnet (Women’s Network in Electronic Transactions).