High Ability Learning in Ralston Public Schools
Definition of a High Ability Learner
A learner with high ability means a student who gives evidence of high-performance capability in such areas as intellectual, creative, or artistic capacity or in specific academic fields and who requires accelerated or differentiated curriculum programs in order to develop those capabilities. - Nebraska Rev. Statute ∮79-1107
Gifted and talented children do not acquire the lessons of school in the ordinary way. - Howard Gardner
"Gifted children think at such high levels of complexity that, while they can benefit from some aspects of the school day, they also require curriculum that allows them to move ahead faster and pursue their areas of interest and talent." - Joseph Renzulli
Qualifications for HAL in Ralston Public Schools
The Ralston Public Schools HAL program strives to serve the top 10% of elementary students in grades 4 - 6 district-wide. Students have the opportunity to qualify for HAL during their third-grade year, and each subsequent year thereafter.
To qualify for HAL services, students must meet district requirements in two of the following areas:
- Qualifying score on a National Standard Achievement Test
- Qualifying score on a Cognitive Abilities Test
- Qualifying score on the Gifted and Talented Scale
Once a student is identified formally for services, they remain in the program.
For more information about HAL programming in Ralston Public Schools, call 402-898-3415.