Student Health Services/Wellness
The purpose of student health services in Ralston Public Schools are to enhance the educational process by modifying or removing health related barriers to learning and by promoting an optimal level of wellness. The three basic functions of health services include:
- Provision of a safe and healthful school environment;
- Delivery of limited health services to students and staff;
- Implementation of identified health education curriculum.
Ralston Schools health services strive to maintain a safe and healthful environment by adhering to communicable disease control standards. All student immunizations are assessed and monitored throughout the course of their education. In addition, communicable disease prevention and control guidelines set forth by the State of Nebraska and American Academy of Pediatrics are adhered to in the school setting.
Health education is provided to students and staff on a variety of health issues and concerns, it is also provided to students and staff through individual health counseling sessions as well as group instruction in the classroom setting.
For more information about student health services please contact your childs school and ask to speak with the health aide.
Ralston Schools is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and the development of lifelong wellness.
Board Policy 5052 (click to view) outlines wellness goals that were determined and selected after reviewing and considering evidence-based strategies.
On the curriculum side, each of our elementary schools and middle schools offer physical education classes on a regular rotation. Our high school offers a variety of physical education classes during each semester. Students in K-12 also have Health and Wellness (SEL) support through their building’s school counselors.
Ralston High School and Ralston Middle School offer courses in Health and FCS (Family Consumer Science). Our ELA(English Language Arts)/CKLA curriculum in grades K-7 includes knowledge (non-fiction) units focused on health and wellness of the body and mind. The District's Science K-12 curriculum is aligned with Nebraska standards.
Nebraska Department of Education Wellness Survey Results
Step 2 - Progress in Reaching LSWP Goals Template
Step 3 - Extent of Compliance for All Schools with the LSWP
Nebraska Department of Education Physical Education Standards