Located in the south-central portion of the Omaha metropolitan area, Ralston Public Schools includes the city of Ralston and parts of southwest suburban Omaha. Our district serves approximately 3,400 students between pre-Kindergarten and 12th grade every year through six elementary buildings, one middle school, one high school, and one alternative center.
Ralston employs more than 270 full-time teachers and maintains a teacher-to-student ratio of approximately 22 to 1. 82% of our teachers have earned college credits beyond their Bachelor’s degree, while 61% of our teachers hold at least one Master’s degree. Our teaching staff consists of a combination of new and veteran educators who have an average of 10 years of experience in the district.
All schools within our district are accredited by the Nebraska Department of Education and AdvancED. We have clearly defined outcomes for student achievement, a comprehensive plan for training our staff in new instructional approaches, and a rigorous assessment system that is easy for parents to understand.
Our Educational Purpose
A community dedicated to achieving excellence through purposeful instruction and
nurturing a climate of hope and inclusion.
Our District’s Vision
Cultivating resilient citizens prepared for the diverse demands of the future.
Ralston Public Schools believes...
• The educational process is a partnership involving the school, the family, the student, and the community
• Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the process
• All students can learn
• Students learn best when schools maintain high expectations for learning
• The foremost responsibility of any educational organization is the student
• The essence of education is the ability to develop lifelong learners to deal responsibly with choice in a changing world
Nebraska Educational Profile
Nebraska Educational Profile
Follow this link to access data from the Nebraska Department of Education related to Ralston Public Schools.
District Reports
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The school district prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity in any education program or activity that it operates.
Individuals who believe that they have been the subject of unlawful discrimination or harassment due to their disability, or that have other related concerns or questions, should contact the ADA/ Title II Coordinator: Dr. Mike Rupprecht at (402) 898-3483, mrupprecht@ralstonschools.org or in person at school.
Individuals who believe that they have been the subject of unlawful discrimination or harassmentdue to their sex, or that have other related concerns or questions, should contact the Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Mike Rupprecht at (402) 898-3483, mrupprecht@ralstonschools.org, 8545 Park Drive, Ralston Nebraska or in person at school. The School District’s specific Notice of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex may be accessed at the following LINK.
Individuals who believe that they have been the subject of unlawful discrimination or harassment due to their race, color, or national origin, or that have other related concerns or questions, should contact the Title VI Coordinator: Dr. Mike Rupprecht at (402) 898-3483, mrupprecht@ralstonschools.org, 8545 Park Drive, Ralston Nebraska or in person at school.
Individuals who believe that they have been the subject of any other unlawful discrimination or harassment should contact the Human Resource office at (402) 898-3483, mrupprecht@ralstonschools.org or in person at school.
Students may report discrimination or harassment to any staff member who will then forward it on to the appropriate coordinator or administrator. The staff member will follow school district policies to respond to the report.
For additional prohibited discrimination and related information, please review school district Policy 3053 – Nondiscrimination.