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New Administrators & Coaches

New for 2022-2023: RPS Staff Information

Below are announcements about new and exciting roles for some of our RPS employees. Each is an outstanding leader, ready to take on new assignments within our District.

Say hello and congratulate them the next time you see them at your building or in the community.

Dr. Ryan Pivonka - Principal, Ralston High School

Dr. Pivonka is excited to serve as Principal of Ralston High School. His primary focus is working to create a climate where students are engaged, challenged, and supported as they work to achieve at their highest level.

Dr. Pivonka joined the staff of Ralston High School in 2002 as a vocal music teacher. After teaching, Dr. Pivonka moved to Ralston Middle School in 2014 to serve as Assistant Principal/Activities Director. In 2016, Dr. Pivonka returned to Ralston High School as an Assistant Principal.

Mrs. Stacy Athow - Assistant Principal, Ralston High School

Mrs. Athow considers it a privilege to serve as an Assistant Principal of Ralston High School. Mrs. Athow believes students can reach their full potential when they are given a safe, compassionate environment.

She has served in several capacities while at Ralston, including teaching, counseling, and as the Dean of Students.

Mr. Clint Williams - Dean of Students, Ralston High School

As Dean of Students, Mr. Clint Williams works with student discipline and school attendance. He is looking forward to collaborating with parents and helping students reach their fullest potential, and building new relationships.

Mr. Williams joined Ralston Public Schools in 2011 as a Level II Special Education teacher at Blumfield Elementary. Over the years, he worked as a Special Education teacher at the Elementary, Middle, and High School level. Before becoming Dean of Students, Mr. Williams coordinated Ralston High School’s alternative school, RISE, and has coached several different sports at RHS.

Mr. Mike Gentry - Head Softball Coach, Ralston High School

Mr. Mike Gentry will assume the role of Head Softball Coach for the Rams this fall. He is looking forward to building on the strong history of Ralston High School softball.

This is Mr. Gentry’s second year in Ralston Public Schools. He serves as the Physical Education teacher at Mockingbird Elementary. Mr. Gentry brings his 15 years of coaching experience to RHS and is excited for the fall softball season to get underway.

Mr. Tyler Barna - Program Coordinator, RHS RISE Alternative School

Mr. Tyler Barna feels privileged to coordinate Ralston High School’s alternative school, RISE. He will work with students towards graduation and post-secondary goals who are on a non-traditional path for high school.

Tyler started his teaching career in Ralston in 2009. He worked at Ralston High School for two years, and then in 2011, he joined the staff at Ralston Middle School, where he taught eighth-grade English Language Arts for the past 11 years. During that time, Tyler has served on a variety of committees and coached football and track at RMS.

Ms. Amber Scott - Elementary Instructional Coach

An instructional coach works with teachers to improve the quality of their lessons and the quality of students' education. They serve as mentors and role models, helping teachers keep lessons fresh and use the latest techniques and technologies in their classrooms. Ms. Amber Scott is already off and running in her new position.

A proud Ralston Public Schools graduate, Ms. Scott served as a fourth-grade teacher at Seymour Elementary for three years and an EL teacher at Blumfield Elementary for one year.

Dr. Whitley Hettenbaugh - Elementary Special Education Coordinator

This year, Dr. Whitley Hettenbaugh begins her new role as the Elementary Special Education Coordinator. She is looking forward to further supporting elementary staff and families in helping all of our students learn to their fullest potential and meet their goals.

Dr. Hettenbaugh has worked as a school psychologist for the past six years and had the honor of joining the Ralston Public Schools family three years ago. She served students at Karen Western and Meadows Elementary Schools before starting her new position this year. With this new position, Dr. Hettenbaugh will continue to serve as a School Psychologist within Ralston Public Schools.